Monday, January 5, 2009

Rehearsal (Trio) - West Side Story Selections (Boatman)

Judy, BJ and I (Mark) decided to get together and work on the West Side Story Selections. What a wonderful arrangement by Boatman (New Century Sax Quartet). The arrangement is really written for saxophones. The range is perfect on all parts (with a few exceptions), the keys are spot on (with a few difficult keys) and the voicing is well placed. As I just mentioned, there are a few places where the 2nd Alto may want to consider 8vb changes to smooth out the lines. Groups wanting to play this piece should consider the bari part. It is not for the meek and mild. It covers the total sax range and calls for a player who is light and delicate, almost a bass clarinet approach. Janet being a bass clarinet player handles the part beautifully.

There are some sections in the mega flats and mega sharps keys. But, they are not extensive. I think they are quite necessary however due to the melodic progression of the tune -- ie -- where else would you go?

As far as voicing, it is lovely. All the parts seem to be meant for each horn. There are some really power uses of unison and octaves that give us the chance to really listen to each other, matching pitch is essential. There are also many places where the melody and harmony are handed off from player to player. Again, this really gives the group a chance to show off their musicality.

We missed having Janet, but we did some nice woodshedding. Our next rehearsal will be with her and Judy.


  1. A fantastic website. I'm so impressed with the work you're doing.... and I'm very jealous.I play a series II Selmer Paris alto, although I loved the Yani when I tried it. I use a Meyer mouthpiece and a 2.5 Vandoren reed. I am looking for a brighter sound for playing with the Big Band Sound jazz music. Any suggestions ?
    A fellow saxist, Janet and Judy's friend, Dixie

  2. Thanks Dixie -- good to hear from you.

    The idea of changing mouthpieces is a tough one. What is the trend in the group? Is there a brand or style that seems standard among others? I think one thing to consider when doing mouthpieces / sound adjustments when playing with a group is the overall sound desired from the section.

    How would you describe the overall sound of the saxes in the group?
